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Journal Prompts for Writers

  • 9 Steps
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Stuck in a rut with writer’s block? Looking for some help starting a daily journaling habit? This is the course for you. Keeping a daily journal is a powerful habit for anyone looking to hone their writing skills and kindle a creative spark. With proponents ranging from the Stoic emperor Marcus Aurelius to modern writers such as C.S. Lewis and Ray Bradbury, journaling isn’t something to scoff at. Grab a notebook and let’s get started becoming a better writer through journaling! In 2010, Autistics Speaking Day was a response to the then-upcoming first commemoration of Communication Shutdown. The annual Communication Shutdown event encourages non-autistics to refrain from using social networking websites for one day as a perspective-taking exercise,[116] while Autistics Speaking Day encourages autistic people to become more active on social media and to describe their experiences during a time when there are fewer neurotypical voices in the mix. In 2012, autistic activist Zoe Gross organized the first Disability Day of Mourning vigil held in memory of people with disabilities murdered by family members or caregivers.[117][118][119] These vigils are now held annually on 1 March globally, often by local self-advocacy and disability rights groups.[119] In 2015, autistic activist Alanna Rose Whitney created the social media campaign #WalkInRed, later rebranded #RedInstead to be more inclusive of wheelchair users, as another alternative to Light It Up Blue.[120][121] Autism rights activists organize protests against organizations they consider objectionable, most notably Autism Speaks and the Judge Rotenberg Center.[122][123][124][125] In the United States, activists affiliated with ASAN have organized numerous protests against Autism Speaks events, typically protesting and leafleting at fundraising walks.[126] Autistic activists including Shain Neumeier and Lydia Brown have organized lobbying days and protests aiming to close or more strictly regulate the Judge Roten

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