Take 7 days to pamper yourself. You deserve it! Get daily tips to make on how to rejuvenate yourself with beauty treatments, quick workouts and relaxation techniques. The refreshing feel and glowing skin from a day at the spa can be had without ever leaving home. What not to do: Don’t say, “I know how you feel.” Even if you’ve been severely depressed or even suicidal, everyone’s situation is different. It’s very likely that you do not know how this person feels. Don’t say, “Get over it.” Depression or suicidal thoughts are not simple to get over. Depression is a complex medical and emotional condition. A person cannot “get over” clinical depression on their own. Don’t say, “There was a tornado in Arkansas. Be thankful for what you have and realize other people have it worse than you do.” This may make the depressed person feel like their pain and sadness is further diminished in importance. Do not ignore warning signs. People who are depressed or suicidal often ask for help either verbally or with other warning signs. Take these signs seriously; they are a cry for help. Take action. Do not keep it a secret. Even if the depressed or suicidal person asks you not to tell others after confiding in you, don’t keep it a secret. It is better to get them help than to keep the secret and they hurt themselves or someone else.
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